Telephone and microphone headsets ТМГ-63

Good technical characteristics of the headset, as well as the comfort of use, are the reasons to recommend this model as the best for logistic and call-centres and as a replacement for imported counterparts.

The lightweight headset gear ensures its reliable fixation on operator’s head throughout the entire working time.

The earphone has an optimal band of working audio frequencies, sufficient for high-quality sound reproduction. The earphone may be positioned either on the left or on the right side of head, which is ensured by rotary unit of microphone holder.


The availability of noise-resistant microphone allows to recommend the headset for indoor use, even with low degree of isolation. Flexible holder allows to fine-tune microphone position for the most clear voice transmission.


The headset can be connected to any telecommunication equipment.

  • one or two headphones;
  • the directional microphone minimizes the background noise indoors and transmits only the operator’s voice clearly and efficiently;
  • sliding headset gear provides excellent ergonomics;
  • modern stylish design;
  • optimal frequency band;
  • output connectors, equipped with transmission buttons, the possibility of mounting with linear or coiled cord are provided at the customer request

Operating frequency range, Hz 150 – 7000
Paraphonic sensitivity of the microphone, not less than, mV / Pa 5
The response of the phone at a frequency of 1000 Hz, not less than, Pa 7
Weight, no more 150 г (может быть изменена в зависимости от типа разъема, кнопки и шнура)
Гарантийный срок 1 год